Faculty of Biology, Medicine and Health
School of Biological Sciences
Division of Molecular and Cellular Function
We study the mechanisms regulating RNA Polymerase II
and co-transcriptional RNA processing in normal and diseased eukaryotic cells

The Team


Grzechnik P., Mischo H. (2024) Fateful decisions of where to cut the line: Pathology associated with aberrant 3' end processing and transcription termination. J. Mol. Biol. doi: 10.1016/j.jmb.2024.168802 [PDF]
Zanin O., Eastham E., Winczura K., Ashe M., Martinez-Nunez R.T., Hebenstreit D., Grzechnik P. (2023) Ceg1 depletion reveals mechanisms governing degradation of non-capped RNAs. Commun. Biol. 6 (112); doi:10.1038/s42003-023-05495-6 [PDF]
Sledziowska M., Winczura K., Jones M., Almaghrabi R., Mischo H., Hebenstreit D., Garcia P., Grzechnik P. (2022) Non-coding RNAs associated with Prader-Willi syndrome regulate transcription of neuronal genes in human induced pluripotent stem cells. Hum. Mol. Gen. doi:20.1093/hmg/ddac228 [PDF]
Winczura K., Ceylan H., Sledziowska M., Jones M., Fagarasan H., Wang J., Saponaro M., Arnold R., Hebenstreit D., Grzechnik P. (2021) RPRD proteins regulate transcription in human cells. BioRxiv; doi:10.1101/2021.06.20.449126; [PDF]​​
Heo D.H, Kus K., Grzechnik P., Tan-Wong S.M., Birot A., Kecman T., Nielsen S., Zenkin N., Vasiljeva L. (2021) Transcription and chromatin-based surveillance mechanism controls suppression of cryptic antisense transcription. Cell Rep. 36, doi:10.1016/j.celrep.2021.109671 [PDF]
Melidis L., Hill H.J., Coltman N.J., Davies S.P., Winczura K., Chauchan T., Craig J.S., Garai A., Hooper C.J., Edgan R.T., McKeating J.A., Hodges N.J., Stamataki Z.*, Grzechnik P.*, Hannon M.J.* (2021). Supramolecular cylinders target bulge structures in the 5’ UTR of the RNA genome of SARS-Cov-2 and inhibit viral replication. Angew. Chem. doi:10.1002/anie.202104179; BioRxiv doi:10.1101/2021.03.30.437757; *joint communication author [PDF]
Winczura K.M., Grzechnik P. (2019) DNAzyme-dependent analysis of rRNA 2’-O-methylation. JoVE, 151, doi: 10.3791/59700. [PDF]
Kufel J., Grzechnik P. (2019) snoRNAs tell a different tale. Trends Genet., 35, 104-117, doi: 10.1016/j.tig.2018.11.005 Review. [PDF]
Pettinati I., Grzechnik P., Ribeiro de Almeida C., Brem J., McDonough M.A., Dhir S., Gannon J., Proudfoot N.J., Schofield C.J. (2018) Biosynthesis of histone messenger RNA employs a specific 3’ endonuclease. eLife, 7 pii:398865, doi: 10.7554/eLife.39865 [PDF]​​
Lidschreiber M., Easter A.D., Battaglia S., Rodríguez-Molina R.B., Casañal A., Carminati M., Baejen C., Grzechnik P., Maier K.C., Cramer P., Passmore L.A. (2018) The APT complex is involved in non-coding RNA transcription and is distinct from CPF. Nucleic Acids Res. 46,11528-38 [PDF]
Grzechnik P.*, Szczepaniak A.S., Dhir S., Pastucha A., Parslow H., Matuszek Z., Mischo H., Kufel J., Proudfoot N.J. (2018) Nuclear fate of yeast snoRNA is determined by co-transcriptional Rnt1 cleavage. Nat. Commun., 9:1783. *joint communication author [PDF]
Grzechnik P., Gdula M. R., Proudfoot N.J. (2015) Pcf11 orchestrates transcription termination pathways in yeast. Genes Dev. 29, 849-61. [PDF]
Grzechnik P., Tan-Wong S.M., Proudfoot N.J. (2014) Terminate and make a loop: regulation of transcriptional directionality. Trends Biochem. Sci. 39, 319-327. Review. [PDF]
Skowronek E., Grzechnik P., Späth B., Marchfelder A., Kufel J. (2014) tRNA 3' processing in yeast involves tRNase Z, Rex1, and Rrp6. RNA 20, 115-30. [PDF]
Mischo H.E., Gómez-González B., Grzechnik P., Rondón A.G., Wei W., Steinmetz L., Aguilera A., Proudfoot N.J. (2011) Yeast Sen1 helicase protects the genome from transcription-associated instability. Mol. Cell 41, 21-32. [PDF]
Grzechnik P., Kufel J. (2008) Polyadenylation linked to transcription termination directs the processing of snoRNA precursors in yeast. Mol. Cell 32, 247-58. [PDF]
Piwowarski J., Grzechnik P., Dziembowski A., Dmochowska A., Minczuk M., Stepien P. P. (2003) Human polynucleotide phosphorylase, hPNPase, is localized in mitochondria. J. Mol. Biol. 329, 853-7. [PDF]
Join us
If you are interested in RNA biology and would like to join the lab as an undergraduate student, a PhD student or a postdoc,
contact Pawel directly:
pawel.grzechnik (at) manchester.ac.uk
If you wish to apply for your own funding we will help you to develop your project and application.